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    Изучение изменений двигательных показателей девушек под влиянием занятий аэробикой = Studying of Changes of Motor Parameters in Girls under Influence of Aerobics / Чебураев В.С. [и др.]
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 8. - С. 15-17. - Библиогр. (4 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N8/p15-17.htm

    -- 1. Аэробика. 2. Физическая подготовленность. 3. Двигательные качества. 4. Девушки. 5. Методы контроля. 6. Нагрузка. 7. Оздоровительная физическая культура. 8. Степ-аэробика. 9. Терминология. 10. Упражнения физические. 11. Таблица. 12. Средства и методы. 13. Тестирование. 14. Выносливость. 15. Гибкость. 16. Сила. 17. Быстрота движений. 18. Статистическая обработка. 19. Применение компьютера. 20. Сила мышц. 21. Музыкальное сопровождение. 22. aerobics. 23. Physical qualities. 24. Parameters of motor qualities.

    УДК 613.71                  ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.73

    The purpose of that research was to reveal weather the methods of monitoring behind the persons engaged of different kinds of aerobics offered to them loads were really useful. 15-17 aged girls participated in the research. Two groups participated in the experiment: in the first one the girls were engaged in the step-aerobics (11 person), in the second - in the improving and the step-aerobics (13 person). The occupations passed 2 times per one week during 1 hour in the evening for one year. The statistical processing of the experimental data was carried out by Student's t-criterion with the help of personal computer. The results of the research allow concluding that the occupations by different kinds of aerobics positively influence on the development of motor qualities. The quality monitoring used in the work can be applied to an estimation of the degree of the development of the endurance, the power of the different groups of muscles, the flexibility as the result of occupations by different kinds of aerobics.

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