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Камскова, Ю.Г.
    Особенности реакции системы крови при гипокинетическом стрессе и современные представления об иммунно-нейро-эндокринных взаимодействиях и "цикле окиси азота" = Features of Reaction of System of Blood to Hypokinetic Stress and Modern Representations about Immunity-Neuro-Endocrine Interactions and "Cycle Oxide of Nitrogen"
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 10. - С. 20-23. - Библиогр. (35 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N10/p20-23.htm

    -- 1. Гипокинезия. 2. Кровь. 3. Стресс. 4. Белки. 5. Физиология человека. 6. Иммунная система. 7. Hypokinesy. 8. System of blood. 9. Cytokines. 10. Fibers. 11. Thermal shock.

    УДК 612                     ГРНТИ 34.39

    The reduction of motor activity is connected to automation and mechanization in almost all kinds of the activity of a human now. The consequences of an inactive way of life of a human are: the hypodynamy, the chronic stress, various diseases of adaptation. According to modern representations, the changes in the system of blood typical for the stress-reaction are observed at various stages of hypokinesy. This article is devoted to the research of the mechanisms of the negative influence of the hypokinesy on an organism.

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