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Шанина, Г.Е.
    Специализированные кинезиологические воздействия в системе оперативных влияний на психоэмоциональное состояние у лиц различного возраста = Specialized Kinesiological Influences in System of Operative Influences on Psychoemotional Condition in Persons of Various Age
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 10. - С. 46-52. - Библиогр. (19 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N10/p46-52.htm

    -- 1. Заболевания психические. 2. Обзор литературы. 3. Массаж точечный. 4. Асимметрия. 5. Работоспособность психическая. 6. Возрастные особенности. 7. Кинезиология. 8. Психоэмоциональное состояние. 9. Терапия. 10. Мозг. 11. Нейрофизиология. 12. Понятие. 13. Методы лечения. 14. Психиатрия. 15. Активность двигательная. 16. Функциональное состояние. 17. Мышцы. 18. Стресс эмоциональный. 19. Движения. 20. Глаза. 21. Зарубежный опыт. 22. Упражнения дыхательные. 23. Комплекс упражнений. 24. Поза. 25. Таблица. 26. Тест Люшера М. 27. Lateral therapy. 28. Mental diseases. 29. Directed influence on mentality. 30. Conditional compensatory mechanisms.

    УДК 616.89                  ГРНТИ 76.29.52
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.61

    The last years on the basis of integration of the extensive theoretical and clinical data the new direction in biological therapy of the mental diseases, named lateral therapy was developed. Characterizing the process of destabilization of pathological determinant system at lateral therapy, it is possible to allocate two neurophysiological mechanism of this influence: the first - depression of activity of a hemisphere, in which mainly lateralized the pathological determinant, the second - activation counter-lateral hemisphere. The direct psychotropic effect of right hemisphere sessions includes the phenomena of the mental and muscular relaxation, the revival of emotional expression, the simplification of sleep and the deepening of night dream. Patients become more sociable and frank, they become more inspired and avoid conflicts. Disturbing concern by the problems and the future is reducing. The right hemisphere sessions cause also activation vagoinsular and depression of sympathetic-adrenal structures while the left hemisphere activate the sympathetic and depress the parasympathetic parts of the vegetative nervous system. The author has patented the special kinesiological complex based on the lateral therapy for the correction of psychoemotional conditions and increasing the level of the intellectual serviceability in persons of different age and has described its work in the article.

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