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Квартальнов, В.А.
    Современные особенности туризма как научного познания и исследований = Modern Features of Tourism as Scientific Knowledge and Researches
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 11. - С. 2-8.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N11/p2-8.htm

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Научные исследования. 3. Педагогический аспект. 4. Руководящие материалы. 5. Экономический эффект. 6. Управленческая деятельность. 7. Маршрут путешествия. 8. Туризм. 9. Моделирование. 10. Перспективы развития. 11. Правовые вопросы. 12. Социальный аспект. 13. Материально-техническая база. 14. Подготовка специалистов. 15. Прогнозирование. 16. История развития. 17. Administrative models. 18. Tour product. 19. Changes in routes. 20. Scientific expeditions. 21. Social tourism. 22. Tour industry.

    УДК 796.5                   ГРНТИ 71.37.75
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.21
                                ГРНТИ 77.29.33

    It is lawful to look at the tourism as on the necessary component of the constantly developing system of recreational services and to consider the priority of recreational tourism that is fixed in the Federal law "About bases of tourist activity in the Russian Federation" also. The author, the rector of the Russian international academy of tourism, considers the basic tendencies of the modern development of a tourism in Russia and abroad. In particular they are: 1. The modern features of tourism as a scientific knowledge and researches; 2. The new phenomenon of XXI century - scientific expeditions as the area of tourism; 3. Changes in routes; 4. The face of tourism in XXI century; 5. The strategy and tactics of the scientific approach to the social tourism.

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