Библиографическая карточка
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Грушевская, Н.В.
    Туристская педагогика = Tourist Pedagogics / Грушевская Н.В., Константинов Ю.С.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 11. - С. 45-47.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N11/p45-47.htm

    -- 1. Педагогика внешкольная. 2. Туристская работа. 3. Детский возраст. 4. Поход туристский. 5. Туризм детский. 6. Воспитательная работа. 7. Организационные принципы. 8. Positions of pedagogics. 9. Tourist work. 10. children. 11. Tourist campaign. 12. Best rest.

    УДК 796.5                   ГРНТИ 71.37.05
                                ГРНТИ 14.25.19

    The work of young tourists, both during training, and in the campaign is the basis of the educational work. The campaign work has the features, which are necessary for taking into the account for the achievement of the pedagogical purposes. First, the campaign objectively puts each person before the necessity to work. Secondly, a work in a campaign has the public nature: - work of one is necessary for everybody. Thirdly, during the work pupils get vital skills (the preparation of food in field conditions, the cultivation of a fire in any weather, the arrangement of a campaign life). And, at last, the amateur campaign brings up the responsibility, mutual aid and mutual assistance, organizing abilities it develops their initiative, efficiency, activity, and also the qualities, which are brought up by the presence in the structure of the tourist group existing in an independent mode.

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