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Кибальников, С.В.
    Очно-дистанционное обучение - образовательная технология 21-го века = Internal-Remote Training - Educational Technology of 21st Century
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2002. - № 11. - С. 50-52.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2002N11/p50-52.htm

    -- 1. Новые технологии. 2. Эффективность. 3. Интернет. 4. Мультимедиа. 5. Образование дополнительное. 6. Образование профессиональное. 7. Средства и методы. 8. Туризм. 9. Применение компьютера. 10. learning efficiency. 11. Educational business. 12. Internet conference. 13. Steady development. 14. Pedagogical information technologies. 15. competitiveness. 16. educational services. 17. Database of knowledge. 18. SKW technology.

    УДК 37:681.3                ГРНТИ 71.37
                                ГРНТИ 14.01.85
                                ГРНТИ 14.37.09

    The market of educational services of Russia prepares to the demographic downturn. The additional professional training starts to play the increasing role in this connection. The urgency of training through all the life (life long learning) is dictated with changes of accumulation of the information by modern civilization. The approbation of the technology of the internal-remote training (IRT) in the institute of additional professional training of RIAT has shown, that expenses for the organization of educational process with the use of IRT technology are reduced to 50 %, and the quality of training due to the use of active methods is increased (see www.iape.ru). Therefore IRT provides the greater rate of the growth of useful capacity and outstripping growth of investments in educational process, providing thus conditions of steady development of educational institutions and the completing of the mission to make the accessible qualitative continuous training to Russians and Russian representatives in the countries of the CIS and distant foreign countries.

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