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Скатков, С.А.
    Фосфатидилхолин и интенсивные нагрузки = Phosphatidilcholin and Intensive Loads
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2003. - № 1. - С. 42-47. - Библиогр. (46 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2003N1/p42-47.htm

    -- 1. Активность физическая. 2. Фитнес. 3. Продукты питания. 4. Занятия спортом. 5. Восстановительный процесс. 6. Нагрузка физическая. 7. Утомление. 8. Результативность. 9. Патологические состояния. 10. Здоровье спортсменов. 11. Перетренированность. 12. Питание спортивное. 13. Липиды. 14. Биохимия спортивная. 15. Биологически активные вещества. 16. Терминология. 17. Фармакологические средства. 18. Схема. 19. Влияние на организм. 20. Спортивная медицина. 21. Атеросклероз. 22. Кровоснабжение. 23. Метаболизм. 24. Мышцы. 25. Физиология спортивная. 26. Графическая модель. 27. Усталость. 28. Молочная кислота. 29. Частота сердечных сокращений. 30. Медико-биологические основы. 31. Phosphatidilcholin. 32. Physical activity. 33. Restoration of an organism.

    УДК 796.01:577.01           ГРНТИ 77.05.03
                                ГРНТИ 77.05.05
                                ГРНТИ 77.05.13

    The problems connected with an overstrain of physical strengths of an organism, with an exit from this condition, are solved in the complex, in view of medical and biologic features of clients of the fitness-centers and training halls, an individual approach of the trainer to updating techniques and programs of occupations. The significant contribution to restoration of operating conditions of an organism brings also the balanced diet. At occupations of bodybuilding and fitness no more than 20 % of success it is provided with a training hall and aerobic load, and the others of 80 % is a correct system diet and restoration. To the category of a system diet it is possible to relate the use of some food additives and preparations of a natural origin which restore the structure of cells, normalize biochemical processes. To the number of similar preparations the substances normalizing lipid balance of an organism can be attribute. The author describes structure, structure, properties and features of influence on an organism of phospholipides.

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