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Илюшин, О.В.
    Изменение показателей ударного объема крови у студентов после выполнения Гарвардского степ-теста = Change of Parameters of Blow Circulatory Volume in Students after Performance of Harward Step-Test / Илюшин О.В., Абзалов Р.А.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2003. - № 1. - С. 48-49. - Библиогр. (13 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2003N1/p48-49.htm

    -- 1. Ударный объем крови. 2. Подростковый возраст. 3. Реография. 4. Тесты. 5. Студенты. 6. Выносливость. 7. Восстановительный процесс. 8. Сердце. 9. Нагрузка мышечная. 10. Частота сердечных сокращений. 11. Гомеостаз. 12. Таблица. 13. Тренированность. 14. Функциональная проба. 15. Физическое воспитание. 16. Методика исследования. 17. Физиология спортивная. 18. Спортивная медицина. 19. Контроль врачебный. 20. Образование высшее. 21. Blow circulatory volume. 22. Step-test. 23. Students. 24. Endurance. 25. Restorative period.

    УДК 61:796                  ГРНТИ 77.05.05
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.13
                                ГРНТИ 76.35.41

    The parameters of blow circulatory volume (BCV) in 16-19 years aged teenagers were investigated. The authors used the automated microprocessor analyzer of rheogramms "Cursor" in the researches. As the functional test for definition of reaction of cardiovascular system the Harward step-test was used, and parameters of BCV were determined in sitting up position before the standard physical load and in 15 minutes of the restorative period. Students in all periods of training in the restorative period after performance of standardized muscular loads as the Harward step-test have authentic decrease of BCV parameters in comparison with the initial data. The degree of expressiveness of BCV decrease depends on what course the student is trained. In the process of growth of parameters preparedness more expressed BCV decrease in the restorative period after functional test was observed, and its significant decrease was determined at students of 3rd course. Found out reduction of BCV has only temporary character.

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