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Переверзин, И.И.
    Современный российский спортивный менеджер и модель его подготовки = Modern Russian Sports Manager and Model of His Training
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2003. - № 5. - С. 57-60.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2003N5/p57-60.htm

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Германия. 3. Менеджмент спортивный. 4. Физкультурно-спортивная организация. 5. Моделирование. 6. Отрасль спортивная. 7. Функции. 8. Подготовка физкультурных кадров. 9. РГУФК. 10. Специализация. 11. Программа подготовки. 12. Университет. 13. Образование физкультурное. 14. Терминология. 15. Управленческая деятельность. 16. Требования. 17. Опыт работы. 18. Проблемы и перспективы. 19. Программа учебная. 20. Кафедра. 21. Учебно-методическое обеспечение. 22. Зарубежный опыт. 23. Дисциплина учебная. 24. Должность. 25. sports manager. 26. sports management. 27. sports organization. 28. Post. 29. Branch of physical culture and sports. 30. function. 31. Requirement. 32. Module of training. 33. Model of training.

    УДК 796.077.5               ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.75
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.33

    The purpose of this paper was to characterize the model of the modern Russian sports manager and to plan the program of training of sports managers in the system of the Russian university of sports education. Sports management is the theory and practice of the efficient control by the organizations of sports orientation. The training of students of specialization "Sports management" is carried out on the education program of the second level of the highest professional training on the direction 521900 - "Physical culture". The qualification of the future graduate is the bachelor of physical culture. The students guided for practical work, can continue the training within 1 year on the specialty 022300 with the reception of the diploma "the specialist in physical culture and sports". The students of the specialization who has shown the propensity to the research and the pedagogical activity, can continue training in the magistracy on the program "Management and economy in the area of physical culture and sports".

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