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Назаренко, Л.Д.
    Примерная классификация базовых двигательных координаций по ряду общих и специфических признаков и структурных элементов = Approximate Classification of Base Motor Coordinations in Number of Common and Specific Attributes and Structural Elements
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2003. - № 8. - С. 19-21. - Библиогр. (37 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2003N8/p19-21.htm

    -- 1. Меткость. 2. Пластичность. 3. Управление движением. 4. Ловкость. 5. Точность. 6. Равновесие. 7. Гибкость. 8. Подвижность. 9. Прыгучесть. 10. Ритмические характеристики. 11. Координационные способности. 12. Биомеханика спортивная. 13. Физиологические параметры. 14. Таблица. 15. Нервные процессы. 16. Типологические особенности. 17. Генетические особенности. 18. Классификация. 19. Оценка. 20. Сравнительный анализ. 21. Двигательные действия. 22. Физические качества. 23. Base motor coordination. 24. Adroitness. 25. Precision. 26. equilibrium. 27. Flexibility. 28. mobility. 29. Spring ability. 30. accuracy. 31. rhythm. 32. Plasticity. 33. classification.

    УДК 796.012                 ГРНТИ 77.05.07

    The control of movements is the complex on it's structure processes, provided with functions of the various systems of a body. The approximate classification of the base motor coordinations offered by the author is developed on the basis of the number of the common and specific attributes of structural elements in a different degree inherent to each of them. Such basic components as synchronization of motor and vegetative functions, redistribution of muscular efforts in space and time, the degree of the interaction of sensory systems, the level of intermuscular and intramuscular coordination are typical for the all investigated base motor coordinations. The classification offered by the author allows to propose the available representations and the data of the research of the base motor coordinations and to consider them as the uniform complex of the qualitative sides of the motor activity in the aggregate with the physical capasities (muscular power, speed, endurance).

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