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Лин-Бей, Н.П.
    Взаимосвязь теории и практики в подготовке будущего специалиста = Interrelation of Theory and Practice in Training of Future Specialist / Лин-Бей Н.П., Беляев А.А.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2003. - № 9. - С. 11-12.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2003N9/p11-12.htm

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Образование профессиональное. 3. Интеграция. 4. Образование физкультурное. 5. Межпредметные связи. 6. Программа учебная. 7. Госстандарт образовательный. 8. Подготовка физкультурных кадров. 9. Техникум физической культуры. 10. Теория и практика. 11. Дисциплина учебная. 12. Integration. 13. Availability of education. 14. Intersubject connections. 15. Interdisciplinary connections. 16. curriculum. 17. state standard.

    УДК 796.077.5               ГРНТИ

    The interdisciplinary connections reflect the complex approach, allowing to isolate both the main elements of the contents of education, and interrelation between subjects. One subject should be filled with elements of another. During the development of the curriculum studying of all disciplines should be directed on the ultimate goal of educational process in secondary school - training of the student for his (her) future professional work. The success will depend on how each teacher owns knowledge of the specificity of the physical culture and sports. The interrelation of the theory with practice can not be established only in one direction. The realization of integrative connections should be concern of teachers not only of theoretical disciplines, but also the practical ones. The performance of all these conditions will create conditions for the training of the qualified, professional specialist, capable to put into practice the received knowledge skillfully.

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