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Панков, В.А.
    Впереди - Афины-2004 (анализ результатов выступлений сборных команд РФ по дзюдо, вольной и греко-римской борьбе) = Ahead - Athenes-2004 (Analysis of results of performances of Russian Federation teams on judo, freestyle and Grecian-Roman wrestling)
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2003. - № 10. - С. 50-52.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2003N10/p50-52.htm

    -- 1. 2003 г. 2. 2004 г. 3. Афины. 4. Технико-тактические действия. 5. Борьба спортивная. 6. Отбор спортивный. 7. Анализ. 8. Олимпиада. 9. Чемпионат Европы. 10. Чемпионат мира. 11. Соревновательная деятельность. 12. Поединок. 13. Команда спортивная. 14. Сборная команда. 15. Результаты соревнований. 16. Таблица. 17. Мужчины. 18. Женщины. 19. Дзюдо. 20. Борьба вольная. 21. Борьба греко-римская. 22. Соревнования международные. 23. technical-tactical actions. 24. Sports wrestling. 25. Sports selection. 26. Analytical researches. 27. Olympiad.

    УДК 796.8                   ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.03

    There is played 35 complete sets of gold awards in the Olympic program by kinds of sports wrestling. Freestyle, Grecian-Roman wrestling and judo traditionally concern to the basic kinds of sports which results bring the significant contribution to the coin box of the Russian Olympians. For these traditions were kept, it is necessary to purposefully and constantly study the tendencies of development of these kinds of sports on the international area. The competitions in sports wrestling of this year will be characterized by more rigid competitive struggle, because the selection for participation in Olympic games will begin from these competitions. The analytical researches of the world championships of this year in kinds of sports wrestling will allow to rationalize more precisely the training process of the final year of 4-years Olympic training of athletes and to successful competitions on the Olympiad in Greece.

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