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Чернышев, М.А.
    Принципы муниципальной политики в развитии спорта для всех и спорта высших достижений = Municipal Policy Principles in Development of Sport for All and Elite Sport / Чернышев М.А., Орехов А.И., Литвиненко С.Н.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2004. - № 2. - С. 14-16. - Библиогр.: с. 16 (11 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2004N2/p14-16.htm

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Самоуправление. 3. Sport for all. 4. Массовая физическая культура. 5. Спорт высших достижений. 6. Массовый спорт. 7. Реформа. 8. Управление физической культурой и спортом. 9. Муниципалитет. 10. Опыт работы. 11. Массовая физкультурно-оздоровительная работа. 12. elite sport. 13. Municipal policy. 14. public administration. 15. Municipal program. 16. "Healthy of nation".

    УДК 796.075                 ГРНТИ 77.01.75
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.25
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.15

    Mostly municipal social policy should provide conditions for development of sport for all as far as federal authority should accept responsibility for development of elite sport. According to this idea municipal program "Healthy of Nation" has been carried out in Rostov-on-Don since 1994. The program is based on two principles: 1) Competitive - organization and support of public competitions for all who want to participate without any limits, 2) Educational - organization of physical training education, promotion of sport for all ideas and health life style. These principles reflect our understanding of relationship between sport for all and elite sport. We suggest a scheme of "magnet" where sport for all and elite sport are contrary "poles" connected by dialect link. We can not separate them, these both "poles" can be observed in each sport event. The results of 10 years work show a high effectiveness of proposed approaches.

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