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Шестаков, М.П.
    Проблемы использования информационного подхода при разработке теории обучения человека движениям = Problems of Use of Information Approach at Development of Theory of Training Person to Motor Actions
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2004. - № 2. - С. 17-21. - Библиогр.: с. 21 (22 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2004N2/p17-21.htm

    -- 1. Биомеханика. 2. Интеллект. 3. Биокибернетика. 4. Информация. 5. Обучение движениям. 6. Сенсомоторика. 7. Модель. 8. Философия. 9. Понятийный аппарат. 10. Теоретический аспект. 11. Мозг. 12. Сознание. 13. Семиотика. 14. Семантика. 15. Дисциплина научная. 16. Управление движением. 17. Теория обучения. 18. information approach. 19. Training to movements. 20. biomechanics. 21. Motor programs. 22. Sensual-motor intelligence.

    УДК 796.012                 ГРНТИ 77.05.07
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.29

    Within the framework of occurrence of a new applied direction of an artificial intellect - biocyberagogics, the scientific direction connected with studying the theory of training of a person to motor action, the researches directed on the development, program realization and the subsequent studying of behaviour of models will be carried out by the development of the theory and technologies of training to motor actions. The name comes from the Greek words - bios (life), kybernetike (art of management), ago (I bring up, I train). The object of biocyberagogics is a model of human nervous system managing action of the executive system with the achievement of forward purpose. The subject of biocyberagogics is the construction of abstract descriptions of information processes in a control system of human movements and revealing of laws laws of creation or change of an image system in brain. The novelty of the approach offered by the author consists in the search of the connection and dependences determining the features of thinking of a human being, and an ability to be trained to purposeful motor actions on the basis of modeling management by nervous processes.

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