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Гордон, С.М.
    Оценка психической готовности к соревновательной деятельности спортсменов разных специализаций и квалификаций (на примере циклических, игровых видов и спортивных единоборств) = Estimation of Mental Preparedness for Competitive Activity of Athletes off Different Specializations and Qualifications (on Example of Cyclic, Game Kinds of Sports and Single Combats) / Гордон С.М., Ильин А.Б.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2004. - № 2. - С. 46-49. - Библиогр.: с. 49 (30 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2004N2/p46-49.htm

    -- 1. Единоборства спортивные. 2. Устойчивость. 3. Мобилизация. 4. Самоконтроль. 5. Готовность психическая. 6. Динамика. 7. Шкала оценок. 8. Соревновательная деятельность. 9. Циклические виды спорта. 10. Игровые виды спорта. 11. Спорт высших достижений. 12. Стресс. 13. Статистическая обработка. 14. Математические методы. 15. Психология спортивная. 16. Психологическое состояние. 17. Таблица. 18. Личность спортсмена. 19. Методические рекомендации. 20. Тренинг психологический. 21. Stability mobilization. 22. self-checking. 23. Changes of mental preparedness.

    УДК 796.01:159.9            ГРНТИ 77.03.09
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.77
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.31
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.33
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.41

    The training of elite athletes is a long process in which changes of mental preparedness for competitive activity with the growth of qualification has a big practical value 483 athletes aged 14-35 years were surveyed. The research was carried out by the sports-psychological technique. The stability to stressful influences of competitions and training influences, the ability to mobilization and activization, self-checking skill were studied. Proceeding from results of the research the authors recommend to plan the process of long-term sports training in the view of the profound studying of an athlete's personality. It is desirable to allocate the actions for the formation and the correction of sports important parameters of a personality in independent exercises - psychotrammgs.

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