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Дементьев, В.Л.
    Дидактическое значение правил соревнований по спортивной борьбе на базовом этапе технико-тактической подготовки спортсмена = Didactic Value of sports Wrestling Competitions' Rules at Base Stage of Technical-Tactical Training of Athlete / Дементьев В.Л., Ушаков А.Ф.
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2003. - № 2. - С. 19-22.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2003N2/p19-22.htm

    -- 1. Подготовка спортсменов. 2. Успешность выступления. 3. Двигательные действия. 4. Биомеханические параметры. 5. Технико-тактическая подготовка. 6. Методика обучения. 7. Дидактическое положение. 8. Правила соревнований. 9. Борьба спортивная. 10. Поединок. 11. Приемы. 12. Техника и тактика. 13. Единоборства спортивные. 14. Юношеский спорт. 15. Противник. 16. Конфликт. 17. Наглядность. 18. Начальное обучение. 19. Моделирование. 20. Мышление. 21. Technical-tactical training. 22. Technique of training. 23. Didactic principles. 24. rules of competitions. 25. Base technique.

    УДК 796.8                   ГРНТИ 77.29.11
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.23
                                ГРНТИ 77.31.05

    Technical-tactical training of an athlete is the long-term process of training and perfection in the elected kind of wrestling, directed on the achievement of high sports results. The approach, offered by the authors at the base stage of technical-tactical training will allow: to create the necessary base for the further successful development of the technique and tactics of sports wrestling; to create the preconditions of the development of the set of tactical variants of the application of technical actions in the modeled conflict situations of wrestling; to develop situational thinking and figurative perception of the actions, developing during conflict interaction with the opponent; to transfer educational technique into sports.

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