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Королев, В.В.
    Актуализация потребностей юных самбистов в здоровьесбережении при проведении тренировочных занятий = Actualization of Young Sambists Needs in Health Saving at Realization of Training Occupations / Королев В.В., Найн А.Я.
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2003. - № 2. - С. 39-40.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2003N2/p39-40.htm

    -- 1. Здоровьесбережение. 2. Юношеский спорт. 3. Защитные действия. 4. Тренировка спортивная. 5. Самбо. 6. Ценностные ориентации. 7. Социология спортивная. 8. Технические приемы. 9. Оценка экспертная. 10. Специальная подготовка. 11. Школьный возраст. 12. Корреляционная зависимость. 13. Мотивация. 14. Социальный статус. 15. Профессиональная деятельность. 16. Борьба спортивная. 17. health saving. 18. Contents of occupations. 19. defense actions. 20. Young sambists. 21. valuable orientations.

    УДК 796.86                  ГРНТИ 77.29.59
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.23
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.03
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.11

    The research was carried out on two groups of 14-16 aged sambists. 43 sambists were in the experimental group. The basic attention in their training was addressed to the development of defence actions, excluding or reducing the traumatism to the minimum. The control group (40 young athletes) was trained in traditional (standard for the club) technique. The health saving orientation of training occupations was reflected in the quality of technique actions of the defence and attacking character. The expert estimation of the defence actions, and also the efficiency and the quality of the attacking actions providing relative safety in defence against counterattacking actions of the opponent, at athletes of the experimental group on average indices was higher, than in the control group.

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