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Ремизов, Л.П.
    Современная школа обучения горнолыжной технике: от "плуга" до карвинга = Modern Alpine Ski Teaching System: from Snowplough to Carved Turns
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2004. - № 10. - С. 44-46. - Библиогр.: с. 46 (11 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2004N10/p44-46.htm

    -- 1. Упражнения подготовительные. 2. Программа обучения. 3. Горнолыжный спорт. 4. Техника. 5. Скольжение. 6. Упражнения специальные. 7. Ориентирование. 8. Методика обучения. 9. Индивидуальный подход. 10. Схема. 11. Ski teaching program. 12. Ski racing. 13. Basic parallel turn. 14. Side-sliding. 15. Carved turn. 16. Freeride. 17. Teaching options.

    УДК 796.926                 ГРНТИ 77.29.20

    The evolution of the system of training of the alpine skiing technique both in sports, and in amateur levels was analyzed. Plenty of methods and means in the arsenal of the alpine skiing technique is explained by the variety of conditions of ski descending (the steepness, the slopes relief, the snow condition, the speed, the trajectory of movement), and also their target. The optimization of training is achieved from a basic pedagogical principle standardization by the maximal individualization of the approach. It is a system of focused training in which the chosen individualized purpose determines the sequence of techniques and the exercises necessary for the organization of the educational process. The many-sided program of training in the form of a tree is presented in the article for understanding of organic connection in means and methods of the alpine skiing technique.

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