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Земсков, А.С.
    Исследование взаимосвязи личностных особенностей и физической выносливости у юношей и девушек 15 - 16 лет / А.С. Земсков
    // Спортив. психолог. - 2004. - № 2. - С. 50-53. - Библиогр.: с. 53 (9 назв.).

    -- 1. Возрастная психология. 2. Выносливость физическая. 3. Личность. 4. Юноши. 5. Девушки. 6. Социальный аспект. 7. Диагностика психологическая. 8. Психология личности. 9. Корреляционный анализ.

    УДК 159.922.7/.8            ГРНТИ 15.21.51
                                ГРНТИ 15.31.31

    The idea of the research is to conceive the concept "thesaurus" as one of the categories of pedagogical science. The purpose of the research is the theoretical comprehension of the new concept " the sports thesaurus " and the development of a conceptual model of it's becoming. In the research the analysis, the generalization of the data of special literature, the content-analysis of various references were applied. It is revealed, that nowadays the becoming of the categorial-theoretical device of a science is even more often and more confidently connected with the concept "thesaurus" which in translation from the Greek language means "wealth, treasure". On the basis of the theoretical analysis of the concept "thesaurus" the concept " the sports thesaurus " has been designed: it's an open system of the interconnected accumulation, storage, increase of information, knowledge, human experience, it's a information and conceptual base of sports formation, sports activity, of formation and development of a person and a society. The conceptual model of the becoming of the sports thesaurus is developed.

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