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Московченко, О.Н.
    Интегральная оценка и коррекция донозологического адаптивного состояния индивида с помощью компьютерных технологий = Integral Evaluation and Correction of Donosological Adaptive State of Individ with Help of Computer Technologies / О.Н. Московченко
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2004. - № 11. - С. 53-56. - Библиогр.: с. 56 (25 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2004N11/p53-56.htm

    -- 1. Донозологическое состояние. 2. Здоровый образ жизни. 3. Здоровьесбережение. 4. Адаптация. 5. Автоматизация. 6. Технологии компьютерные. 7. Индивид. 8. Оценка интегральная. 9. Коррекция. 10. Физиология человека. 11. Психофизиология. 12. Нейрофизиология. 13. Donosological adaptive state. 14. Adaptive abilities of organism. 15. Expert systems. 16. Automated informational systems. 17. Correction of adaptive states. 18. Correction of physical training. 19. Preventive programmers. 20. healthy way of life. 21. Health-saving technologies.

    УДК 613                     ГРНТИ 76.33.29
                                ГРНТИ 76.01.85
                                ГРНТИ 34.39
                                ГРНТИ 34.39.15
                                ГРНТИ 15.21.35

    The purpose of this research was to investigate the physiological and psycho-physiological parameters, to reveal the criteria of distinguishing of the donosological state of an individ and to work out the correction model of the adaptive state control. The worked out conception demonstrates the connection between the theoretical preconditions with the practical realization of information and health saving technologies for forming the adaptive rehabilitative environment. These computer systems will present the possibility to test the adaptive potential of an organism and health recourses of an individual at different periods of the ontogenesis. The created model of the adaptive state of an individual will give the possibility not only to correct but to transfer the organism systems to the higher level of functioning. The suggested approach will give the opportunity to raise the level of the individual health resourse and the adaptive potentials of an organism. It will help to create effective mechanisms to keep the health potentials of an individual, to develop his creativity and will help to make a choice of his own tactic and strategy in the correction of the adaptive states for the improvement of the life quality and forming a cultural and successful person.

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