Библиографическая карточка
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Самсонова, А.В.
    Влияние состава биокинематических цепей на асимметрию структуры движений = Influence of Structure of Biokinematic Circuits on Asymmetry of Structure of Movements / А.В. Самсонова, В.Н. Томилов
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2005. - № 2. - С. 7-9. - Библиогр.: с. 9 (2 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2005N2/p7-9.htm

    -- 1. Ритм. 2. Асимметрия. 3. Тензодинамография. 4. Биокинематика. 5. Темп. 6. Таблица. 7. Структура движений. 8. Биомеханика движений. 9. Биомеханика спортивная. 10. Велосипедный спорт. 11. Тяжелая атлетика. 12. Мышечное сокращение. 13. Электромиография. 14. Коэффициент. 15. Фазовая структура. 16. Педалирование. 17. Подъем штанги. 18. Biokinematic circuit. 19. Rhythmic structure. 20. Asymmetry. 21. tempo.

    УДК 796.012                 ГРНТИ 77.05.07
                                ГРНТИ 77.29.14
                                ГРНТИ 77.29.58

    The influence of the structure of biomechanical circuits on the asymmetry of the structure of movements on the example of trimeric circuits (lower extremeties) at pedaling on a high-speed excercise bicycle and четырехзвенных (a trunk and the lower extremities) at rise of a bar of various weight is considered in the article. Dynamic and kinematic characteristics of movements were fixed with the use of methods of strain measurement and elrctromyography. Besides at pedaling duration of a motion cycle, and also speed of movement on the tachometer was estimated. The comparison of the results received at pedaling and rise of a bar, allows to speak about the presence of the general regularities in the formation of structures of movements by biokinematic circuits of various structure. The quantity indicators of the asymmetry of various movements are in the field of close values that testifies to a generality of their structures.

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