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Аминов, Р.Х.
    Разработка системы соревнований с оздоровительной направленностью : (на примере бокса) = System Engineering of Competitions of Improving Orientation : (on Example of Boxing) / Р.Х. Аминов
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2005. - № 8. - С. 42-44. - Библиогр.: с. 44 (14 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2005N8/p42-44.htm

    -- 1. Оздоровительная направленность. 2. Обмен веществ. 3. Организация проведения. 4. Физическая культура личности. 5. Теоретическая часть. 6. Потребность. 7. Система соревнований. 8. Бокс. 9. Юношеский спорт. 10. Белки. 11. Программа проведения. 12. Средства и методы. 13. Здоровье спортсменов. 14. Гармоничное развитие личности. 15. Теория спорта. 16. Соревнования спортивные. 17. Программа работы. 18. Нормативы. 19. Упражнения контрольные. 20. Тесты двигательные. 21. Воспитание в спорте. 22. Психология спортивная. 23. Мотивация. 24. Health. 25. System of competitions. 26. Improving orientation.

    УДК 796.83                  ГРНТИ 77.29.10
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.23
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.07
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.09

    The effective solution of many actual problems of the improvement, education and education is impossible without deep understanding of the motivation of a child, without taking into account its propensities, interests and needs. During the participation in competitions the child not only shows the opportunities and skills: here there is also a transition of the process of education into self-education, the development - into self-development. The approach to the realization of competitions with an improving orientation offered by the authors promotes the popularization of a chosen kind of sports, enables anyone to participate in them to show the knowledge, to show skills, to get new friends and the most important - it doesn't do harm to health and induces pupils to self-development.

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