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Ким, В.В.
    Особенности пальцевой дерматоглифики у мужчин, систематически употребляющих психоактивные средства = Features of Finger Dermatoglyphics at Men Regularly Using Psychoactive Substances / В.В. Ким, Л.С. Тупицына, Е.С. Гнусарева
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2005. - № 8. - С. 53-55. - Библиогр.: с. 55 (22 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2005N8/p53-55.htm

    -- 1. Россия. 2. Сибирь. 3. Наркомания. 4. Генетика. 5. Профилактика заболеваний. 6. Дерматоглифика. 7. Мужчины. 8. Психоактивные вещества. 9. Алкоголь. 10. Токсикомания. 11. Маркеры. 12. Методика исследования. 13. Психиатрия. 14. Таблица. 15. Диагностика. 16. Учащиеся. 17. Морфология. 18. Медико-биологические основы. 19. Finger dermatoglyphics. 20. men. 21. Psychoactive substances.

    УДК 796.01:61               ГРНТИ 77.05
                                ГРНТИ 34.41
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.52
                                ГРНТИ 76.03.39

    The purpose of the research - studying of the features of the dermatoglyphic portrait of drug addicts. There is carried out the Studying the finger dermatoglyphics at 390 men regularly using PS. The Authors allocate the parameters of the finger dermatoglyphics which distinguish PS-addict men from the population average, namely: the increased frequency of occurrence of arches and radial loops on separate fingers, high average values of crest accounts of various patterns and the increased total crest account. The complex of the specified parameters of the dermatoglyphics can be used at the initial preventive maintenance and the diagnostics of narcotism, that it is especially important at work with pupils.

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