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Андриянова, Е.Ю.
    Исследование механизмов снижения физической работоспособности у лиц с поясничным остеохондрозом с помощью электронейромиографии = Research of Mechanisms of Decrease of Physical Service-Ability at Persons with Lumbar Osteochondrosis with Help Elecroneuromyography / Е.Ю. Андриянова
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2005. - № 9. - С. 20-24. - Библиогр.: с. 24 (10 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2005N9/p20-24.htm

    -- 1. Электронейромиография. 2. Рефлексы. 3. Боли в спине. 4. Заболевания позвоночника. 5. Остеохондроз позвоночника. 6. Неврология. 7. Работоспособность физическая. 8. Периферическая нервная система. 9. Таблица. 10. Нервно-мышечная система. 11. Пояснично-крестцовый отдел позвоночника. 12. Лечебная физическая культура. 13. Electroneuromyographical research. 14. H-reflex. 15. M-response. 16. Osteochondrosis. 17. Demyelination. 18. Remyelination.

    УДК 616.8                   ГРНТИ 76.29.51
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.61

    With the help of the complex electroneuromyographical researches there was studied the functional condition of the segmentary apparatus and skeletal muscles of the bottom extremities at patients with lumbar osteochondrosis at different stages. There are found the authentic differences of the parameters Н-and M - response of salens muscle and the change of reflex excitability spinal motoneuron, diseases specific for different stages. The revealed features show the orientation of pathological changes in the investigated structures and an opportunity of restoration of their functional properties.

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