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Батутис, О.П.
    Отношение школьников к причинам успеха и неудачи на уроках физической культуры = Shoolchildren's Opinion about Reasons of their Success and Failure at Physical Culture Lessons / О.П. Батутис
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2005. - № 2. - С. 5-8. - Библиогр.: с. 8 (18 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2005N2/p5-8.htm

    -- 1. Урок физической культуры. 2. Физическая подготовленность. 3. Возрастные особенности. 4. Психология педагогическая. 5. Мотивация. 6. Учитель физической культуры. 7. Самовоспитание. 8. Школьный возраст. 9. Физическое воспитание. 10. Психология личности. 11. Таблица. 12. Активность физическая. 13. Математическая обработка. 14. Опрос. 15. Учреждение общеобразовательное. 16. lesson of physical culture. 17. success. 18. Failure.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13
                                ГРНТИ 15.81.21
                                ГРНТИ 15.21.51

    The present article is based on the results of the research and literature and deals with the reasons of schoolchildren's success and failure during physical culture lessons as understood by schoolchildren. The results of the research were obtained by means of the questionnaire method, after completing the representative research. 625 schoolchildren (298 boys and 327 girls) from 6, 8 and 11 forms from the Alytus and Marijampole schools took part in it. It was established that most of the schoolchildren took their results in physical culture lessons with responsibility and ascribe their results to their efforts. On the other hand not a few schoolchildren specified the reason of their success as outward and independent of them, e.g. it might be a lucky fortuity or easiness of the test and they consider the reasons of their failure to be intrinsic, e.g. lack of abilities. Having such point of view on the reasons and loading all the responsibility for the failure on the stable intrinsic factor (e.g. abilities) and ascribing the responsibility for success to the unstable outward factor (e.g. lucky fortuity) these schoolchildren find no ground to exert themselves. The research has established that the standpoint on the success and the failure during physical culture lessons depends on the age and sex whereas the location has no influence.

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