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Анфилатова, О.В.
    Методика непрерывного адаптивного физического воспитания детей старшего дошкольного возраста с нарушением зрения = Technique of Continuous Adaptive Physical Training of Children of Senior Preschool Age with Deviations in Vision / О.В. Анфилатова
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2005. - № 2. - С. 50-52.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2005N2/p50-52.htm

    -- 1. Физическая подготовленность. 2. Адаптация. 3. Сердечный ритм. 4. Нарушение зрения. 5. Старший дошкольный возраст. 6. Методика исследования. 7. Научные исследования. 8. Физическое развитие. 9. Тестирование. 10. Активность двигательная. 11. Лечебная физическая культура. 12. Зрительный анализатор. 13. Антропометрические измерения. 14. Упражнения в воде. 15. Упражнения физические. 16. Офтальмология. 17. Дефектология. 18. Физическое воспитание. 19. Methods of physical development. 20. Physical preparednes. 21. cardiac rate.

    УДК 615                     ГРНТИ 76.29.61
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.56
                                ГРНТИ 14.29

    The purpose of this paper was the scientific substantiation of the technique of the continuous adaptive physical education of children of the senior preschool age with deviations in vision. The measurement of the anthopometrical parameters was carried out according to the existing techniques of their estimation at children of preschool age. The doctrine about the initial defect, as the reason of the occurrence of secondary deviations and the doctrine about indemnification of the broken functions are of great importance for development of the technique of the continuous adaptive physical education of children of the senior preschool age with deviations in vision. All this specifies the necessity of introduction for the system of the continuous adaptive physical education of various forms of occupations and means. The continuous adaptive physical education of children with deviations in vision it is built as the complete structure solving the specific tasks and focusing on the general physical development as a zone of possible development of a child in conditions of many-sided nature of means and forms of the continuous adaptive physical education.

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