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Пасюков, П.Н.
    Образ жизни и состояние здоровья школьных учителей Курильских островов (Сахалинская область) = Lifestye and State of Health of School Teachers of Kuriles (Sakhalin Area) / П.Н. Пасюков
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2005. - № 3. - С. 46-49.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2005N3/p46-49.htm

    -- 1. Сахалин. 2. Курильские острова. 3. Россия. 4. Рацион питания. 5. Заболеваемость. 6. Вредные привычки. 7. Учитель физической культуры. 8. Образ жизни. 9. Таблица. 10. Исследовательская работа. 11. Состояние здоровья. 12. Климатические условия. 13. Здоровый образ жизни. 14. Мероприятия физкультурно-спортивные. 15. Гигиена питания. 16. Физкультурные кадры. 17. Региональные особенности. 18. Финансовые вопросы. 19. Island area. 20. Desease. 21. balanced diet. 22. harmful habits. 23. teacher of physical culture.

    УДК 613                     ГРНТИ 76.33.29
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.79

    The Sakhalin area is a unique island area in the Russian Federation. A basis of it is the island of Sakhalin is the largest in Russia with adjoining to it Kuril islands. The author carried out the research of a lifestyle and a state of health of school teachers in Southern and Northern Kuriles. In total 25 teachers (20 women and 5 men)were interrogated. The average age - 45,3 years. The research had an initiative character and was undertaken on the means of the researchers. For the effective examining the wholel variety of factors influencing the way of life and health of school teachers of Kuril archipelago, the use of a wide range of opportunities of the geographical environment in the improvement of the island population, the complex scientific researches with financing from the federal and local budgets, and also off-budget funds are necessary.

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