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Наталов, Г.Г.
    Проблемное поле науки и мониторинг истины = Problem Area of Science and Monitoring of Truth / Наталов Г.Г.
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2005. - № 11. - С. 15-20. - Библиогр.: с. 20 (14 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2005N11/p15-20.htm

    -- 1. Истина. 2. Научные исследования. 3. Двигательная деятельность. 4. Мониторинг. 5. Наука. 6. Понятие. 7. Философия. 8. Ноосфера. 9. Пространство. 10. Наука спортивная. 11. Теоретический аспект. 12. Дисциплина учебная. 13. Физическое воспитание. 14. Учебное пособие. 15. Образование высшее. 16. Физкультурно-спортивная деятельность. 17. Отрасль спортивная. 18. Science. 19. Way of truth. 20. Subject area. 21. Object space. 22. Subject image. 23. Problem area. 24. Monitoring of truth.

    УДК 001:167                 ГРНТИ 12.01.07
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.21

    According to the author's opinion, nowadays the world of physical culture, sports and physical training is on the verge of transition to the system level of development, knowledge and mastering. Accordingly a question: how to make it is facing the sports science? As the author considers, first of all the science should reach this level. And the first thing where they should determine, - a starting point, the base of integrated system of knowledge, the second one - the logic of the process of its historical becoming, the third one - the way, the methodology of construction and a statement. The ways and stages of transition of the sports science to the system level of development are in detail described in the article.

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