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Зволинская, Н.Н.
    Проблемное поле научных исследований высшего профессионального образования (исходные позиции и проект программы) / Н.Н. Зволинская, В.И. Маслов = Problem Field of Scientific researches of Higher Professional Sports Education (Initial Positions and Project of Program)
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2005. - № 12. - С. 6-8.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2005N12/p6-8.htm

    -- 1. 1990 г. 2. Образование непрерывное. 3. Научные исследования. 4. Технологии педагогические. 5. Содержание образования. 6. Образование профессиональное. 7. Образование физкультурное. 8. Инновации. 9. Образование высшее. 10. Подготовка физкультурных кадров. 11. Конференция научно-практическая. 12. Таблица. 13. Теоретический аспект. 14. Методический подход. 15. Проект. 16. Социокультурный аспект. 17. Личность. 18. Общество. 19. Модернизация. 20. Consolidating plan of scientific work. 21. Scientific direction. 22. Continuous sports education. 23. Innovational pedagogical technologies. 24. Profiling of education.

    УДК 378                     ГРНТИ 14.35

    Developing the program "Theoretical and methodical bases of continuous professional training in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism" which project is offered in the article, the authors have made an attempt to present the continuous professional sports education as a complex, constantly developing open system. In the presented project the authors tried to keep everything valuable from the previous programs. But the creation of a new program would be meaningless without taking into account the serious changes which have taken place in all sides of Russian life, and have defined new ideas, approaches, purposes and new image - the result of higher school training.

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