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Шумакова, Н.Ю.
    Гуманистический потенциал артпедагогики в развитии физической культуры личности = Humanity Potential of Artpedagogic in Development of Physical Culture of Personality / Н.Ю. Шумакова
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2005. - № 6. - С. 6-9. - Библиогр.: с. 9 (12 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2005N6/p6-9.htm

    -- 1. Живопись. 2. Арт-педагогика. 3. Гуманизм. 4. Личностные качества. 5. Социология физической культуры. 6. Технологии информационные. 7. Музыка. 8. Хореография. 9. Физическая культура личности. 10. Ценности физической культуры. 11. Искусство и спорт. 12. Технологии педагогические. 13. Социология спортивная. 14. Artpedagogics. 15. humanism. 16. Personality. 17. Integration of physical culture and art. 18. Information technologies. 19. music. 20. choreography. 21. Painting.

    УДК 37.02                   ГРНТИ 77.03.11
                                ГРНТИ 14.07.03
                                ГРНТИ 04.51.71
                                ГРНТИ 77.01.85

    The humanity conceptions in the physical education promoted the creation of the system - artpedagogics. The development system includes two models: moving and intellectual. The moving component is presented with physical exercises, integrating physical culture and art, rhythm and plastic moving, games to the music, choreography and etc. The intellectual component is included into the educational program of pupils of literature creativity and art activity. An experimental work was with the pupils from the first up to the ninth forms of the secondary school and with the students from the faculty of physical culture during the lessons and during the extra curricular activities in the purpose of developing humanity skills.

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