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    К вопросу о воздействии на позвоночный столб соревновательного упражнения "толчок от груди двух гирь" = To Question on Influence on Spine Column of Competitive Exercise "Push from Chest of Two Weights" / Ф.Я. Верховский [и др.]
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2006. - № 2. - С. 47-48.

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2006N2/p47-48.htm

    -- 1. Грудной отдел позвоночника. 2. Программа соревнований. 3. Гиревой спорт. 4. Техника толчка. 5. Структура. 6. Упражнения соревновательные. 7. Таблица. 8. Позвоночник. 9. Опорная реакция. 10. Мышечная деятельность. 11. Шейный отдел позвоночника. 12. Соревнования международные. 13. Кифоз. 14. Лордоз. 15. Квалификация спортивная. 16. Контроль врачебный. 17. Влияние на организм. 18. Weights sport. 19. Technique of push. 20. Structure of cycle. 21. Modernization of technique.

    УДК 796.012                 ГРНТИ 77.05.07
                                ГРНТИ 76.35.41

    The special research was carried out for studying the influence on the spine column at a push of weights from a chest. The results of the research testify to the more bent position of the back peculiar to the modernized variant of starting position. In the result, the stable and, probably, irreversible deviation of parameters of the backbone occurs with the increase of the experience of the intensive occupations of the weights sport. The authors offer to solve the problem by perfection of the technique and the technique of training of weights athletes, including the active application of special correcting exercises and improving-rehabilitative actions, to restriction of the age of participants of competitions - from 18 years or exception of the program of competitions of a push from chest for persons is younger than 18 years.

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