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Береснева, Л.Д.
    Нить Ариадны в лабиринте жизни : (роль и методы воспитат. работы в вузе) / Л.Д. Береснева = Ariadne's Thread in Labyrinth of Life (Role and Methods of Pedagogical Work in High School)
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2005. - № 5. - С. 13-16. - Библиогр.: с. 16 (2 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2005N5/p13-16.htm

    -- 1. Личностно ориентированный подход. 2. Самоуправление. 3. Модернизация образования. 4. Педагогический аспект. 5. Творческая деятельность. 6. Социальный аспект. 7. Методы. 8. Воспитательная работа. 9. Креативность. 10. Мотивация. 11. Учебное заведение высшее. 12. Студенты. 13. Учитель физической культуры. 14. Личность педагога. 15. Концепция. 16. Программа. 17. Анкетирование. 18. Социология образования. 19. Психологический аспект. 20. Social role. 21. Physical culture. 22. concept of education. 23. Personally focused approach. 24. creativity. 25. Motivation. 26. Student's self-management.

    УДК 378.02                  ГРНТИ 14.35.05

    On the basis of the analysis of the real situation and requirements to the education in modern conditions, with the participation of the author there were developed the concept and the program of modernization of education in which there were included the questions of educational work as one of the priority directions of the development. As a strategic task there was established the requirement to create an integrative educational system adequate to modern realities and including both incorporated actions of administration and faculties, and conditions of self-development and self-realization of students.

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