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Сопов, В.Ф.
    Формирование образа оптимального боевого состояния методами рефлексии в процессе психологической подготовки хоккеистов / В.Ф. Сопов = Formation of Type of Optimum Fighting Condition with Methods of Reflection During Psychological Training of Hockey Players
    // Теория и практика физ. культуры. - 2006. - № 6. - С. 25-26, 39. - Библиогр.: с. 38 (4 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/TPFK/2006N6/p25-26,39.htm

    -- 1. Диаграмма. 2. Образ. 3. Оптимальное боевое состояние. 4. Мотивация. 5. Профессиональный спорт. 6. Хоккей с шайбой. 7. Рефлексия. 8. Психологическая подготовка. 9. Клуб спортивный. 10. Спорт высших достижений. 11. Таблица. 12. Графическая модель. 13. Саморегуляция. 14. Анализ. 15. Динамика. 16. Психология спортивная. 17. Mental type. 18. Optimum fighting condition. 19. Motivation. 20. Statement of purposes. 21. Hockey player. 22. reflection. 23. Psychological training. 24. Professional club.

    УДК 796.966                 ГРНТИ 77.29.64
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.09

    The organization of the psychological training in professional hockey club is based on сочетанном application of the methods of reflection and purpose creating at the active participation of players and coaches. Besides the formation of the type of an optimum fighting condition there takes place the process of the formation of the motivation to professional game activity. The technology of the step-by-step comprehension of purposes and contents of methods and the means of their achievement by means of the reflective self-control proves to be effective. The application of the given technology creates the firm purpose of the professional attitude to the psychological training at hockey players.

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