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Лошенко, Е.В.
    Концептуальный подход к формированию равновесия у занимающихся оздоровительной аэробикой / Е.В. Лошенко, Л.Д. Назаренко = Conceptual Approach to Formation of Equilibrium at Engaged in Improving Aerobics
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2006. - № 2. - С. 45-47. - Библиогр.: с. 47 (6 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2006N2/p45-47.htm

    -- 1. Эстетика. 2. Физическая подготовленность. 3. Девочки. 4. Аэробика оздоровительная. 5. Двигательная координация. 6. Равновесие. 7. Упражнения физические. 8. Методика развития. 9. Нагрузка физическая. 10. Мышечная работа. 11. Тренировочный процесс. 12. Концепция. 13. Методика исследования. 14. Педагогический эксперимент. 15. Тесты. 16. Мотивация. 17. Массовый спорт. 18. Тренировка спортивная. 19. Improving aerobics. 20. Motor coordination. 21. equilibrium - Method of development. 22. Physical exercises - Aesthetic.

    УДК 613.71                  ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.15

    The concept of the formation of the equilibrium offered by the authors at the simultaneous realization of the aesthetic potential of the used physical exercises, essentially should increase the efficiency of training of the ones who is engaged in the improving aerobics. Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment have shown the necessity of the special orientation of the training process on the development and perfection of the equilibrium as to one of the basic motor coordinations in the improving aerobics. The analysis of the special literature and studying the experience of the leading trainers testify to the underestimation of special work on the formation of aesthetic knowledge, aesthetic representations, perfection of the aesthetic feelings as a necessary component of familiarizing with the beauty of movements, the realization of the aesthetic potential of motor actions.

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