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    Взаимосвязь мотивов сохранения здоровья школьников 12 - 16 лет средствами физической культуры / Черепанов Е.А., Комельков С.А., Потапов В.Н. = Interrelation of Motives of Health Preservation of Pupils of 12 - 16 by Means of Physical Culture
    // Физ. культура: воспитание, образование, тренировка. - 2006. - № 3. - С. 20-23. - Библиогр.: с. 23 (13 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FKVOT/2006N3/p20-23.htm

    -- 1. Детский возраст. 2. Потребность. 3. Здоровьесбережение. 4. Адаптация психологическая. 5. Дыхание внешнее. 6. Концепция. 7. Школьный возраст. 8. Мотивация. 9. Школа спортивная. 10. Анкета. 11. Социология физической культуры. 12. Физическое развитие. 13. Индекс. 14. Жизненная емкость легких. 15. Таблица. 16. Математические методы. 17. Педагогическая деятельность. 18. Childre - school age. 19. psychological adaptation. 20. Conceptual model of activity. 21. health preservation. 22. Physical culture. 23. Functions of external breath.

    УДК 796.01:316              ГРНТИ 77.03.11
                                ГРНТИ 04.51.71

    In the presented publication the authors base on the understanding of the activity of a person as a directed process of adaptation. there is made an Attempt to trace how the conceptual model of the activity directed on the improvement with the help of physical exercises is formed at pupils with a various level of health. The health was estimated with the help of the diagnostics of the functions of external breath. The correlation of the received data with the structure of the motives of occupations of physical exercises has been studied.

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