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Беспутчик, В.Г.
    Проблемы подготовки физкультурных кадров = Problems of Preparation of the Sports Staff / Беспутчик В.Г., Артемьев В.П.
    // Физ. воспитание студентов твор. специальностей / [под ред. Ермакова С.С.] ; М-во образования и науки Украины, Харьков. гос. акад. дизайна и искусств (Харьков. худ.-пром. ин-т). - Харьков, 2009. - № 3. - С. 23-33. - Библиогр.: с. 32-33 (9 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Books/XXPI/2009N3/p23-33.htm

    -- 1. Республика Беларусь. 2. Образование физкультурное - Образование высшее - Вуз технический - Факультет физической культуры - Образование профессиональное - Профессиональная подготовка - Компетенция профессиональная - Модернизация образования - Инновации - Специализация спортивная - Управление образованием - Качество образования - Подготовка физкультурных кадров. 3. За рубежом. 4. staff. 5. Education. 6. Physical training. 7. system.

    УДК 796.077.5               ГРНТИ

    О некоторых аспектах подготовки спортивных кадров, направлениях учебных планов образовательного процесса, повышении студентами уровня самообразования.

    In the article is considered some aspects of preparation of sports staff. The Belarus social and economic situation dictates new requirements to preparation of specialists. It is necessary to expand a choice in educational process, to allow students to have more directions of specialities, to raise self-education level under curriculums. Besides, in article are suggested various ways to improve system of physical education as a whole. The professional and social prestige of sports education today raises, the material resources improve, financing increases, the role of inter-regional relations of establishments of branch raises. The system of sports formation should develop dynamically, using science achievements, the newest educational technologies, the best practices. The main strategic course of high schools should be directed on increase of level of vocational training pedagogical and support personnel, qualification, ethics; granting to a wide range of workers of conditions for expansion of knowledge, continuous increase of professional skill. These and other measures will allow the Belarus system of sports formation to be competitive with education systems of the advanced European states.

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