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Ноошин Бенар.
    The study of relationship between parenting styles of mothers with physical activity levels and overweight among female students = Изучение взаимоотношения между родительскими стилями матерей с физическими уровнями деятельности и избыточным весом девушек-студенток / Ноошин Бенар, Айуб Бехрози
    // Физ. воспитание студентов. - 2012. - № 2. - С. 114-119. - Рез.: рус., англ., укр. - Библиогр.: с. 119 (46 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FVS/2012N2/p114-119.htm

    -- 1. Иран. 2. За рубежом. 3. Воспитание семейное - Родители и дети - Стиль воспитания - Взаимоотношения людей - Физическая деятельность - Избыточная масса тела - Девушки - Студенты - Возрастные особенности - Корреляционная взаимосвязь - Таблица - Диаграмма. 4. parenting style. 5. Physical activity. 6. levels. 7. overweight. 8. children. 9. parents.

    УДК 37.018.1                ГРНТИ 14.39.05

    Изучены стили воспитания матерей с физическими уровнями деятельности и избыточным весом 14-17-летних девушек- студенток, проживающих в городе Решта.

    Objective - the purpose of the present study was to determine whether mothers parenting styles are associated with physical activity levels and Overweight in 14- to 17-years old female students lived city of Rasht. Study would focus on that mothers influence their children by what ways and which were the most effective. Methods - the target population consisted entirely of female students of Rasht City. Then, according to Odineski table 360 females, 80 ninth graders, 148 tenth graders 132 eleventh graders with mean age of 15.59±1.1 years, height 164.23±6.94 cm, weight 57.32±11.71 kg and body mass index 21.19±3.81 kg.m2 respectively volunteered to participation in this study. The study used questionnaire to collect data on parenting styles and children’s physical activity. Purpose and necessity of study for every experiment have been explained. For data analysis, the descriptive (mean and standard deviation), Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used. Results - the result showed that there were no significant correlation between the indices of physical activity levels and Authoritarian (r=0.083), Authoritative (r=0.104) and Permissive (r=-0.031) in Mother. Conclusions - Future studies should include longitudinal data and/or they should use the information from this study to design studies that will examine the effects of intervention activities on a child’s attraction to physical activity and to promote physical activity, public health professionals could encourage Mothers to increase logistic support for their Girls physical activity. Also Strategies to promote physical activity among adolescents should focus on increasing levels of family cohesion, parental engagement, parent-child communication and adolescent self-esteem.

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