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Климацкая, Л.Г.
    Физическая активность лидеров здоровья - студентов и преподавателей университетов = Physical activity students and university professors as leaders of health / Климацкая Л.Г.
    // Физ. воспитание студентов. - 2013. - № 3. - С. 31-34. - Библиогр.: с. 34 (10 назв.).

URL HTTP://sportlib.info/Press/FVS/2013N3/p31-34.htm

    -- 1. Методика исследования - Опрос социологический - Интервью - Таблица. 2. Социология физической культуры - Отношение к физической культуре - Отношение к здоровью - Формирование здоровья. 3. Валеология - Здоровый образ жизни - Студенты - Преподаватели - Здоровье населения - Здоровье студентов - Активность физическая - Занятия спортом - Досуговая деятельность - Активность двигательная. 4. Students. 5. University professors. 6. Physical activity. 7. Health.

    УДК 796.01:316              ГРНТИ 77.03.11
    УДК 613                     ГРНТИ 76.33

    Выяснено отношение универсантов (студентов и преподавателей) к физической активности, как к фактору, сохраняющему здоровье.

    Аim: to find out the students and professors attitude to physical activity, as a factor preserving the health. Were interviewed 956 people. Research model "students and university professors" have positive outcomes of the attitude towards physical activity as a component of health. 92.7% of students play sports. Interviewees said: they have optimal 50.8% (45.8% of students and 57.8% of university professors) and adequate physical activity (60.6% of students and 37.1% of university professors) and they consider themselves healthy. Active position to independently create its own health holds 92.2% of the students. Knowledge and competence of health can be used in a future professional career. Doctors and teachers should be leaders of health promotion for the population.

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