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Игуменов, В.М.
    Когнитивный анализ факторов подготовки бакалавра по "Теории и методике избранного вида спорта" = Cognitive analysis of the factors of training baccalaureate employing "theories and procedure of the selected form of sport" / Игуменов Виктор Михайлович, Свищев Иван Дмитриевич, Никифоров Антон Андреевич
    // Экстрем. деятельность человека. - 2016. - № 1. - С. 57-61. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 61. - 3 назв.

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/Extreme/2016n1/p57-61.pdf

    -- 1. Образование физкультурное - Подготовка физкультурных кадров - Образование высшее профессиональное - Профессиональная подготовка - Студенты - Вуз физкультурный - Бакалавры - Подготовка кадров - Вид спорта - Управление подготовкой - Направления подготовки. 2. Методика исследования - Когнитивный анализ - Факторный анализ - Таблица - Метод экспертных оценок - Научный анализ - Декомпозиция - Моделирование педагогическое - Рисунок - Шкала оценок - Когнитивная карта. 3. Единоборства спортивные - Специализация спортивная - Теория и методика. 4. Cognitive analysis. 5. Cognitive map. 6. Simulation. 7. Factors of the preparation for baccalaureate. 8. Estimation of connections and trends of development of factors.

    УДК 796.077.5               ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.31

    О когнитивном анализе, который позволил выявить значимость факторов подготовки бакалавров и прогнозировать события, влияющие на ее эффективность.

    In training of baccalaureate for the direction 49.03.01 "physical culture", "sport preparation in the selected form of sport" by experts are determined the factors "administration of preparation" and the factors "of environment". Into the division "control of preparation entered such factors as: the training process of preparation (standard FGOS of training baccalaureates, the curriculum of training baccalaureates), the guarantee of a training process of preparation (scientific methods guarantee, material and technical and information input). Into the division of the factors "of environment" entered the following factors: state administration (ministry of science and formations) - (organizational-lawful guarantee, financing system), the potential of the selected form of sport (significance of the form of sport, reaching of science in the needs of the practice of the form of sport). They adapted for the analysis of the interrelations of factors: the scale of the connections of factors and the scale of the estimation of the trends of development of factors. Is determined the connection between the factor "the process of preparation" (0,6±0,11) and the factor "the guarantee of a training process of preparation" (0,4±0,04) has the moderate influence. The connection between the factor "training process of preparation" (0,6±0,11) and the factor "curriculum of preparation" (0,5±0,05) has strong influence, since an increase in the factorreason drew after itself an increase in the factor consequence. The connection between the factor "training process of preparation" (0,6±0,11) and the factor "the standard FGOS of training baccalaureate" (0,5±0,05) has the moderate influence. The estimations of the trends of development of factors are given.

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