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Казанцев, С.А.
    Системное психолого-педагогическое исследование профессиональной подготовки тренеров по спортивному ориентированию = System study of psycho-pedagogical training of orienteering coaches
    // Учен. зап. ун-та им. П.Ф. Лесгафта. - 2016. - № 2 (132). - С. 87-92.

URL HTTP://lesgaft-notes.spb.ru/files/2-132-2016/p87-92.pdf

    -- 1. Тренерская деятельность. 2. Компетентность. 3. Спортивное ориентирование. 4. Профессиональная подготовка. 5. Competence. 6. Orienteering. 7. Coaching. 8. Training activities.

    УДК 796:159.9               ГРНТИ 77.

    Professional competence of the orienteering coach is a strategic factor for the competences: the pedagogical, psychological, methodical and meaningful. The systemic nature of the activities of the orienteering is due to the fact that all of these competencies are interrelated and interdependent. Lack of well formedness, at least one of these competencies makes the job of the orienteering coach unpromising.

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