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Воловая, Т.А.
    Организация третьего урока физической культуры в начальной школе с использованием средств хатха-йоги оздоровительно-профилактической направленности = Arrangements of the third physical education class in primary schools with the use of hatha yoga wellnesspreventive orientation / Воловая Т.А.
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2016. - № 1 (9). - С. 3-7. - Библиогр.: с. 7 (8 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2016n1(9)/p3-7.pdf

    -- 1. Физическое воспитание - Учреждение общеобразовательное - Начальная школа - Урок физической культуры - Урок дополнительный - Организация занятий - Оздоровительная направленность - Профилактика заболеваний - Младший школьный возраст - Построение занятий - Методика проведения - Принципы обучения. 2. Хатха-йога - Влияние на организм - Асаны - Пранаямы - Медитация. 3. Pupils. 4. Primary school. 5. Physical education. 6. Third physical education lesson. 7. Yoga.

    УДК 796.078                 ГРНТИ 77.03.13
                                ГРНТИ 76.29.61

    Представлены новые подходы к проведению третьего урока физической культуры в школе и даны методологические основы организации занятий с младшими школьниками с использованием средств хатха-йоги.

    Provided some new approaches to the third lesson of physical culture in the school. Disclosed methodological bases of the organization of employment with younger schoolers with use of hatha yoga, new, but already scientifically proven in their effectiveness at sports areas of work with children, which requires no additional hardware costs and may be based on existing material and technical base of educational institutions. The main direction of hatha yoga with younger students is defined as a health preventive, restorative and relaxing. It was proven that health-preventive exercises hatha yoga contribute to the formation of the locomotor apparatus of the student, the development of postural muscles, their strength and endurance; Development of flexibility of the spine and joints (especially the shoulder, hip and ankle); the formation of the leg muscles and the foot arches. Restorative exercise a positive influence on the development of the cardiovascular system, increase its adaptive reserves and raise the level of the functional state of children. Relaxing exercises help relieve physical and emotional stress through the alternation of power, stretching and relaxation exercises; the use of special breathing and relaxation techniques. Author recommend the use of adapted means of Hatha Yoga: the joint exercises, static and balance exercises (asanas); dynamic exercises, breathing exercises, exercises and relaxing psihoregulative orientation.

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