Стоцкая Е.С. Опыт применения ручного восстановительного массажа у высококвалифицированных легкоатлетов-спринтеров, имеющих детский церебральный паралич = Experience of hand restorative massage at highly skilled athletes-sprinters with cerebral palsy / Стоцкая Е.С. // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2016. - № 1 (9). - С. 35-42. - Библиогр.: с. 42 (7 назв.).
Представлены материалы исследования влияния классического ручного восстановительного массажа на параметры кровообращения конечностей, показатели силы и тонуса мышц, а так же физических качеств высококвалифицированных легкоатлетов-спринтеров, имеющих детский церебральный паралич.
The article presents the study of the effect of classic hand-restorative massage on the circulatory parameters of the limbs, the indicators of strength and muscle tone, as well as the physical properties of highly skilled athletes, sprinters, who have cerebral palsy. It was shown that after the massage treatments significantly increases vascular tone and deteriorated medium venous outflow in the shins. Before massage the average pulse wave velocity in the upper limbs of an athlete with spastic diplegia were within the physiological norm in the left shoulder and right forearm, while they were below normal at the right shoulder, and above in the left forearm. The data show a decrease in pulse wave velocity in the left forearm and on the increase in speed in the right shoulder. After the massage treatments, this indicator decreased in the right shoulder and matched normal values, upper limbs did not change in the remaining segments. In the study of the lower extremities in the average pulse wave velocity were within the physiological norm, both before and after massage procedures. In the athlete with hemiparetic form of the figure to the massage was within the physiological norm in the left forearm, was reduced in the shoulder, right forearm and lower extremities. After the massage treatments pulse wave velocity was normalized in the right forearm, changes in other segments as well not happen. On the basis of the results developed guidelines applying massage techniques in this group of athletes. The necessity of increasing the time stroking in areas with reduced venous outflow, the use of acupressure on the segments with severe spasticity of the muscles and muscle groups rubbing with a reduced force.