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Шибкова, О.В.
    Показатели психофизиологического развития детей с повышенным уровнем тревожности в условиях умственных нагрузок и коррекционных воздействий = Indicators of psychophysiological development of children with elevated levels of anxiety under mental stress and correctional influence / Шибкова О.В., Быков Е.В., Чипышев А.В.
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2016. - № 1 (9). - С. 43-48. - Библиогр.: с. 46-48 (12 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2016n1(9)/p43-48.pdf

    -- 1. Психофизиология - Психофизиологическое развитие - Тревожность - Вегетативный статус - Интеллектуальная деятельность - Возрастная физиология - Половое созревание - Вариабельность сердечного ритма - Нейровегетативная регуляция. 2. Образование среднее - Учреждение общеобразовательное - Младший школьный возраст - Возрастные особенности. 7 - 11 лет - Нагрузка умственная - Воздействие коррекционное. 3. Методика исследования - Спектральный анализ - Таблица - Реография - Регистрация измерений - Анкетирование - Балльная оценка - Диаграмма - Рефлексотерапия. 4. Brain load. 5. Primary school pupils. 6. The surface reflexology. 7. Anxiety. 8. Vegetative status.

    УДК 159.938                 ГРНТИ 15.21.35
                                ГРНТИ 14.25.07

    Выявлено, что наиболее существенные изменения психофизиологической цены напряженной интеллектуальной деятельности отмечаются в начале систематического обучения в школе и в период полового созревания детей.

    The most significant change of the psychophysiological prices strenuous intellectual activity marked the beginning of systematic training in school and during puberty. The risk is especially great surge of the body in children from 7 to 11 years. Low level of functional reliability of the organism in primary school children is associated, on the one hand, with the long-term hypokinesia and "school stress", and on the other - with the lack of maturity of the autonomic systems provide and their regulation mechanisms. The complex of studies involving evaluation of physical development; activity at different levels of autonomic regulation of cardiovascular activity at rest and during mental stress test with (oral account - from 8-year-olds the second class - addition, 11year-old pupils of the fourth classes - multiplication); the severity of autonomic changes; performance (for cool magazines) and morbidity on the basis of the analysis of medical students' cards. The results of monitoring indicators of physiological and psycho-physiological development of children in terms of participation in the program of intellectual game of universal education and the application of corrective actions. For those with a predominance of the activity of the sympathetic division of the ANS characterized by high trait anxiety. Most clearly these differences are manifested in the subjects that are differentiable into groups depending on the vegetative regulation of heart rate. There were positive changes not only in the whole group, but the majority of students who have not passed at least two courses of superficial acupuncture in combination with studies of Qigong and wushu (adapted for physical culture and physical culture class). The percentage of people with maladaptive responses decreased from 32.3% to 15% of ORT. Also revealed positive changes during the survey to determine changes and signs of autonomic disorders.

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