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Кудряшов, Е.В.
    Показатели силовой подготовленности квалифицированных спортсменок в игровых видах спорта = Indicators force readiness qualified athletes in team sports / Кудряшов Е.В.
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2016. - № 1 (9). - С. 53-57. - Библиогр.: с. 57 (7 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2016n1(9)/p53-57.pdf

    -- 1. Методика исследования - Полидинамометрия - Научный анализ - Наблюдение педагогическое - Математическая статистика - Таблица - Рисунок - Диаграмма - Динамика показателей - Формула расчетная. 2. Игровые виды спорта - Спортивные игры - Женщины - Квалификация спортивная - Силовая подготовленность - Баскетбол - Волейбол - Футзал - Командные виды спорта - Сила мышц - Мышцы-сгибатели - Мышцы-разгибатели. 3. Power. 4. Readiness. 5. Qualification. 6. Athletes. 7. Sports. 8. Basketball. 9. Volleyball. 10. Futsal. 11. Research. 12. Recommendations.

    УДК 796.3                   ГРНТИ 77.03.33

    Выявлено, что физическая подготовленность, являясь одной из ключевых составляющих профессионализма спортсмена, призвана создавать фундамент для совершенствования технического, тактического мастерства и других сторон многогранного процесса спортивной подготовки.

    Presents the scientific article is devoted to consideration of matters related to strength training of qualified athletes in team sports. The analysis of literary data and study of multi-year activities practitioners have convincingly shown that this problem is poorly understood and requires further development. Physical fitness, being one of the key components of professionalism of the athlete is intended to create the foundations for improving technical, tactical mastery and other sides of the complex process of sports training. In recent years the increasing growth of athletic competition in team sports, the increased demand for athletic training identifies the need for comprehensive development of power qualities. Given the current trends in the development of sports, there is a need to develop specific practical recommendations for improving the process of preparation. Studies were conducted on trained athletes who specialize in such team sports as basketball, volleyball and futsal. Studied indicators of force readiness at various stages of the long process of sports perfection. Using the method of poligonometrii obtained data on the level of development of power qualities in athletes c qualifications candidate master of sports and master of sports in these sports games. The data can be recommended for specialists in the field of sports games as benchmarks of level of strength training of athletes, specializing in sports.

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