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Путинцева, Е.В.
    Воспитание соревновательной готовности начинающих танцоров с помощью деловых игр = Cultivating competition readiness of beginner-dancers by modelling games / Путинцева Е.В.
    // Науч.-спортив. вестн. Урала и Сибири. - 2016. - № 1 (9). - С. 64-72. - Библиогр.: с. 71-72 (9 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/NSVUiS/2016n1(9)/p64-72.pdf

    -- 1. Методика исследования - Педагогический эксперимент - Таблица - Рисунок - Графическая модель. 2. Танцы спортивные - Начальная подготовка - Соревновательная деятельность - Тактическая подготовленность - Танцевальная пара - Подготовка к соревнованиям - Моделирование ситуационное - Рейтинг - Спортивный результат. 3. Психология спортивная - Готовность психологическая - Готовность к соревнованию - Формирование готовности - Самооценка - Мышление тактическое - Стрессоустойчивость - Психологическая подготовка - Средства подготовки - Игра деловая. 4. Primary-training stage. 5. Dancing sports. 6. Modelling games. 7. Tactical activity. 8. Self-appraisal. 9. Competition readiness.

    УДК 793.3:796               ГРНТИ 77.29.53
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.09

    Рассмотрены проблемы начала соревновательной деятельности в танцевальном спорте, связанные с ранней специализацией и недостаточной психологической готовностью юных дуэтов к первым соревнованиям.

    The paper focuses on the problems of a competition activity start in dancing sports associated with the early specialization and insufficient psychological readiness of young duets to the first competition. Dance sport attracts children with its emotionality, the ability to Express yourself with music. Active competitive activity in sports dance begins with six or seven years of age. Early specialization due to a set of tasks that need to be addressed holistically in the early athletic career of the young dancer, so the stage of initial training in full, you must use the principle of crosstraining, using various means and methods, as well as, take into account the individual characteristics of developmental age and sensitive periods of motor abilities. Real assessment of their capabilities in a competitive situation depends on a range of indicators. A specialized approach to competitive readiness of young dancers, based on knowledge of the characteristics of the child's psyche, can significantly reduce competitive stress and anxiety and also develop different models of behavior in competitive situations. The problem can be solved using developed by the author of business games simulating various competitive situations and shaping young dancers variability of thinking, the simplest tactical skills, behaviors, and self-esteem, that enable to predict competitive ability. Was found that the performance of tactical readiness, self-evaluation and competition results beginner dancers significantly interrelated. Experimentally proved the effectiveness of business games directed on education of competitive readiness in the process of initial training of children in dance sport.

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