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Суворов, В.В.
    Моделирование игровых упражнений с учетом структуры двигательной деятельности футболистов = Modelling of Game Exercises Taking Into Consideration Structures of Moving Activity of Football Players
    // Физ. культура, спорт - наука и практика. - 2008. - № 3. - С. 24-28. - Библиогр. (12 назв.).

URL HTTP://journal.kgufkst.ru/file/?iblock_id=18&id=26180

    -- 1. #Футболисты. 2. Football players. 3. Game. 4. Modelling. 5. Exercises. 6. Moving activity.

    УДК 796.                    ГРНТИ 77.

    Modelling technique-tactics oriented exercises should take into consideration the structure of moving activity of football players aged 12-15. Pedagogical observations of competitive activity and recording individual movements of different intensity of football players aged 12-15 were carried out. Taking stock of such a kind of activity was registered in the form of recording following actions: walking, middle and small intensity running, through run. The mostly used combinations of registered movements of different intensity have been fixed. The structure of combinations of moving activity allows to make models of technique-tactics oriented exercises more precise.

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