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Беляев, А.Г.
    Повышение силы мышц голени спортсмена с помощью электромагнитной стимуляции / Беляев А.Г., Городничев Р.М., Шляхтов В.Н.
    // Учен. зап. ун-та им. П.Ф. Лесгафта. - 2013. - № 6 (100). - С. 20-25.

URL HTTP://lesgaft-notes.spb.ru/files/6-100-2013/p20-25.pdf

    -- 1. #Electromagnetic stimulation. 2. #Muscular system. 3. #Strength development. 4. #Torque. 5. #EMG - activity.

    ГРНТИ 77.

    A new method for muscular strength development by electromagnetic stimulation (ЕMS) of muscles during their voluntary contraction has been described. 18 healthy men took part in the research, being divided into two groups - control (CG) and experimental (EG), equal by the muscular strength parameters M. gastrocnemius of EG subjects was exposed to MS with frequency 5 Hz (1,8T, 5Hz) during training exercises (plantar foot flexion). The subjects of CG did not receive ЕMS. The torque of plantar foot flexion of EG subjects increased significantly (19,4%) during 15 days training. By the sixth day of restoration the gain of this component increased by 9% at examinees of СG and 6% at EG. The torque of plantar foot flexion of CG subjects did not change significantly. We hypothesize that increasing of muscular strength of EG subjects was result of high-threshold motor units activation under ЕMS.

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