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Свищев, И.Д.
    Методика кратковременных гиперутяжелений в подготовке борцов = Procedure of short-term hyper-loadings in training of the champions / Свищев Иван Дмитриевич, Игуменов Виктор Михайлович, Егиазарян Арутюн Андраник
    // Экстрем. деятельность человека. - 2016. - № 3. - С. 17-20. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр. (2 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/Extreme/2016n3/p17-20.pdf

    -- 1. Методика исследования - Педагогический эксперимент - Тензометрия электрическая - Методика "Кратковременные гиперутяжеления" - Научный анализ - Таблица - Метод измерений - Тестирование педагогическое. 2. Борьба спортивная - Борьба вольная - Единоборства спортивные - Подготовка спортсменов - Скоростно-силовые возможности - Квалификация спортивная - Тренировка спортивная - Методика тренировки - Упражнения с отягощениями - Броски прогибом - Весовая категория - Упражнения со штангой. 3. Биомеханика спортивная - Сила реакции опоры - Мышечная работа - Мышечные группы - Нижние конечности. 4. #High-speed- power possibilities of champions. 5. #Reacting force of support. 6. #Method "short-term hyper-loadings". 7. #Method of electrical strain measurement.

    УДК 796.81                  ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.05.07

    Выявлены силы реакции опоры при проведении броска прогибом в борьбе. Определены модельные диапазоны, имитирующие выявленные силы реакции опоры. Разработана и экспериментально апробирована методика "кратковременных гиперутяжелений" для совершенствования скоростно-силовых возможностей борцов.

    In a study participated 16 athletes on the fight of the free style of high qualification. Experimental and control room of group consisted of 8 men each. Control group was occupied according to the conventional program, and experimental according to the special experimental program 3 of times in the week during 6 the weeks. The essence of exercise is the undermining (disruption) of rod from the counters, in the crouching position with the angle in the elbows 120°. Exercise was carried out in 5 series (approaches) in each series on 3-4 undermining. Leisure between the underminings is minimum (5-10 sek). The ranges of leisure between series (approaches) from 30 to 40 seconds, which makes it possible to maximally draw nearer exercise the conditions of real wrestling duel. This exercise was carried out in the three-time trainings in the week. The multifunctional dynamometer was used for the verification of obtained data "Biodex System". Are revealed the reacting forces of support with conducting of thrust by sagging in the fight. Are determined the model ranges, which imitate the revealed reacting forces of support. Is developed and experimentally approved the procedure "short-term hyper-loadings" for improving the high-speed- power possibilities of champions.

    The firmware complex was used as the meter "Biodex System". Isokinetic dynamometer makes it possible to solve the following problems: the estimation of the power possibilities of separate muscular groups with the isokinematic regime of straightening or flexure of joint (from 0 - 600 grd/s); the estimation of the high-speed- power possibilities of muscular groups in the isometric regime of the tension of muscles (rapidity of the muscle tension and maximum force); the estimation of the high-speed- power possibilities of separate muscular groups with the eccentric regime of the work of muscles; the determination of local muscular work with different regimes of the reduction of muscular groups. The high-speed- power manifestations of muscles of lower extremities in subjects were measured with the aid of this dynamometer.

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