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Токсанов, С.Е.
    Состав атакующих действий, выполняемых кикбоксерами в спортивных поединках, в разделе фулл-контакт на этапе начальной подготовки = Composition of attacking actions implemented by kikboxers in sport farms, in the section of full contact at the stage of the initial training / Токсанов Серик Етекбаевич, Горская Инесса Юрьевна
    // Экстрем. деятельность человека. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 40-44. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 44 (4 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/Extreme/2017n1/p40-44.pdf

    -- 1. Кикбоксинг - Единоборства спортивные - Начальная подготовка - Этапы подготовки - Соревновательная деятельность - Атакующие действия - Поединок - Фулл-контакт - Качество исполнения - Юношеский спорт - Ударные действия - Эффективность действий - Юноши - Возрастные особенности. 12 - 13 лет - Стаж спортивный - Удар рукой - Удар ногой - Количественные показатели - Качественные показатели. 2. Методика исследования - Коэффициент эффективности - Видеоанализ - Оценка экспертная - Математическая обработка - Корреляционный анализ - Диаграмма - Фотография спортивная. 3. #Attacking actions. 4. #Factor of efficiency. 5. #Quality of kics. 6. #Kickboxing. 7. #Full-contact. 8. Competitive activity. 9. #Initial training stage.

    УДК 796.835                 ГРНТИ
                                ГРНТИ 77.03.23

    Изучены различные аспекты спортивного поединка юных кикбоксеров, позволившие выявить возможные недостатки в процессе обучения спортивной технике на этапе начальной подготовки.

    The sporting duel is the apogee of many years of training in kickboxing. Studying various aspects of the sport match of young kickboxers will allow us to identify possible shortcomings in the process of training sports equipment during the initial training phase. A special place at the stage of initial training in kickboxing is training for attacking actions, since it is the attacking actions that are the main means of achieving victory in a duelling. Inadequate scientific provision of the training process for attacking actions at the stage of initial training in kickboxing, on the one hand, and the lack of scientifically substantiated quantitative and qualitative indicators of the attacking actions of kickboxers, on the other hand, indicate the relevance of this study. In kickboxing, the quantitative indicators of the attacking actions are the volume, versatility and effectiveness of the performed tricks. Qualitative indicators characterizing the attacking actions can be the assessments of qualified experts, according to pre-agreed criteria. To obtain quantitative and qualitative indicators of the attacking actions, we conducted a video analysis of more than 40 competitive matches of kickboxers 12–13 years old, in the full contact section. As a result, the following indicators were revealed: the average number of attacking actions by hands and feet performed by kickboxers during a competitive match; The average number of attacking actions by hands and feet, in a fight that has reached the goal; Factor of effectiveness of various attacking actions; An indicator of the quality of execution of various attacking actions. All kickboxers, in the process of observation, were conditionally divided into two groups: leaders and laggards. The results obtained are presented separately for each group.

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