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Лохмоткин, И.Ю.
    Моделирование технико-тактических действий соревновательного боя и их освоение студентами-боксерами = Modeling technical and tactical actions competitive fight boxers / Лохмоткин Иван Юрьевич, Киселев Владимир Андреевич, Галочкин Павел Владимирович
    // Экстрем. деятельность человека. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 62-65. - Рез.: рус., англ. - Библиогр.: с. 65 (5 назв.).

URL HTTP://lib.sportedu.ru/Press/Extreme/2017n1/p62-65.pdf

    -- 1. Бокс - Единоборства спортивные - Студенческий спорт - Технико-тактические действия - Моделирование движений - Поединок - Соревновательная деятельность - Подготовка спортсменов - Разряд спортивный - Темп ведения поединка - Весовая категория - Моторный темп - Ударные действия. 2. Методика исследования - Этапы исследования - Педагогический эксперимент - Научный анализ - Наблюдение педагогическое - Хронометрирование - Метод экспертных оценок - Метод моделирования - Математическая статистика - Таблица - Динамика показателей. 3. #Training boxers. 4. #Motor temp. 5. #Technical and tactical actions. 6. #Model competitive fight boxers.

    УДК 796.83                  ГРНТИ 77.29.10

    О проблеме совершенствования спортивного мастерства боксеров на основе выявления и освоения способов управления темпом ведения боя как основным компонентом его содержания.

    In this investigation authors tried to resolve the problem of development of boxer's sports skills on the basis of elicitation and mastering of combat's tempo as it was considered as the major component of its content. The problem issue, which has manifested in box's theory and practice, is a necessary premise for current investigation. It reveals insufficiency of knowledge on structure and content on combat as a whole system which consists of two fragments – episodes of active interactions between boxers and episodes of referee-boxer interactions during pauses. In sports practice of combat arts there is a possibility of forming successive mental operations both in episodes and pauses, but in theory there are no approaches to elaboration of theoretical and methodological ways of its mastering and development. Thus it is important to increase an effectiveness of tactical and technical action execution in boxers on the basis of creating conditions for acquiring skills of mental analytic operations, planning, generalization, decision making and its further implementation. In order to improve the process of sport skills mastering several approaches were developed to analyze combat's structure and evaluate quantitative characteristics of boxer's actions in specific episodes; on the basis of data analysis theoretical and methodological ways of tempo management during technical and tactical action Implementation were worked out.

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